Famulatur Chirurgie in Padhar Hospital (8/2024 bis 9/2024)

Padhar Hospital
Allgemeinchirurgie, Orthopädie, Urologie, MKG
8/2024 bis 9/2024
OP, Notaufnahme, Diagnostik, Poliklinik / Ambulanz / Sprechstunde, Station
Eine absolute Empfehlung und ein Must-To-Do für alle, die Erfahrung auf einem indischen Dorf sammeln möchten.
Ich konnte frei wählbar in allen chirurgischen Disziplinen (Allgemeinchirurgie, Orthopädie, Urologie, MKG) rotieren und auch Einblicke in den internistischen Disziplinen gewinnen.
Im OP war ich immer 1. Assistenz und durfte richtig mitoperieren. Somit habe ich viel chirurgisches Handling dazugelernt und konnte mich super in den Teams integrieren.

Im gegenüberliegenden Gasthaus ist die Unterkunft immer gesichert und kostet Rs 1500 (ca. 15€) pro Tag inklusive Verpflegung (Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen).

Informationen, die mir im voraus vom Hospital gestellt wurden und genauso auch zutreffen:
Padhar is a small village in rural central India (Madhya Pradesh) and lies midway between Nagpur in the south and Bhopal in the north. Padhar Hospital is a well equipped, multispecialty, charitable hospital belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran Church and caters to a mainly tribal population.

The Indian summer, between March and June, can be extremely hot and dry with temperatures reaching 43C. We do not recommend overseas students coming here during this season, as it may get quite unbearable for you! The "monsoons" or rainy season, between June and September is wet and cool. The countryside turns green and luxurious. However it may not be the best time to go sightseeing, which surely is also part of your agenda! Our winter season extends from November to mid February during which light woolens are required. The weather is pleasant and most enjoyable. However, as students from different countries have different elective schedules, we have no problem in accommodating you at any time of the year.
Dress code:

Elective students, especially females, are requested to be appropriately dressed in keeping with cultural sensibilities, customs and etiquette of our conservative rural community, especially when going for outreach programs. Semi-formal/casual western or Indian outfits are recommended .

Boarding & Lodging:
We provide shared, gender specific, non-airconditioned accommodation for students in our guesthouse, Moss Bungalow. Three meals are provided every day in the bungalow dining hall, and includes vegetarian and non-vegetarian fare.
Wifi is available at the guest house as well as in the Hospital.
Alcoholic beverages, drugs and smoking are not permitted on campus.
The charges for boarding and lodging are currently Rs 1500.00 per day per person and are subject to change as and when required.

We request that all payments be completed in cash (Indian rupees) prior to departure.

Elective Posting:
The various departments through which medical students are rotated include Surgery, (including Onco-Plastic, and General Surgery, Urology, Maxillofacial surgery), General Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, ENT, Ophthalmology, Radiation Therapy and Anaesthesiology. Those interested can visit Pathology, Radiology and Dental departments or maybe do a project while here, to be presented at the end of your stay.

We work Monday through Friday, from 9am to 5pm and Saturday till 2pm. All doctors are on call 24/7/365...and expect students to do so too! We operate everyday and have outpatients and ward rounds every day as well. Students are rotated through various departments so they get to experience more. They work alongside the Junior Doctors and will always be under the supervision of the Consultants in the department they are posted in. Opportunities are plenty and are given as per the attitude and aptitude of the student. These include assisting in surgeries, deliveries, putting in lines/catheters, minor procedures, suturing, etc.
We encourage students to take part in peripheral outreach camps and village clinics as well as attend emergencies.

In addition, we encourage you to participate in the other day-to-day activities of the hospital including lectures, tutorials as well as in the various religious activities conducted by the Hospital and the Church.

We hope this period will give you the opportunity to learn more about tropical diseases and local health problems, while experiencing our vibrant, rural surroundings.

Kindly inform us well in advance so we can make the necessary arrangements for your visit. Please see our website www.padharhospital.org for more information.

Meldet euch gerne bei mir für mehr, persönliche Informationen.
Die Erfahrungen kann ich nicht alle hier in Textform festhalten.
Jederzeit möglich durch Kontakt mit Dr. Deepa Choudhrie (Radiologie): deepachoudhrie@gmail.com
Bei mir hat es kurzfristig 1 Woche vorher geklappt, hängt immer davon ab, wie viele Studenten vor Ort sind.
Kein Unterricht
Patienten untersuchen
Briefe schreiben
Praktische Maßnahmen unter Aufsicht
Chirurgische Wundversorgung
Nach 8:00 Uhr
16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
Frei verfügbar
Mittagessen regelmässig möglich
Unterkunft gestellt
Essen frei / billiger


Stimmung Station
Kontakt zur Pflege
Stimmung Klinik
Lehre auf Station

Durchschnitt 1