I was here for 3 week internship(observeship) this august. The whole employees were very kind and helpful to me, they allow me to observe everything they do. I have only a little bit german, but they explained and teached me everything in english eventhough they didnt have to. I was observing cutting in macroscopy in the mornings then microscopy with Prof.Dr. Christian in the afternoons. Beside being a very good pathologist, he is a unuqie person, with his general knowledge about world and philosophy and with his very kindness. I think every person meets with him, will learn something good and useful from him. I also saw fetus autopsies (which i most fascinated) with normal autopsies which i should thank to Karolin who showed and explained these things. Also the lab was very orginised and as i said so the co-workers were such in serenity and harmony that i felt happy everytime i enter the lab. I definitely recommend everybody to visit this department, it was a great life of exprience , thanks them to all